Gross Marine Product Reaches 1.2 Trillion Yuan: Fujian Province Unveils Achievements in "Maritime Fujian" Initiative

From:Fujian International Investment Promotion Center Date:2024-07-23【Font:large regular

On July 11, Fujian Province announced the latest achievements in the construction of "Maritime Fujian." At present, the gross aquatic product of Fujian Province has reached 1.2 trillion yuan. In the realm of marine ranching, Fujian has achieved remarkable milestones. The province's total annual aquatic product output has reached 8.902 million tons, translating to a per capita share of 212.7 kilograms, the highest in the nation. Fujian also leads in the innovative development of deep-sea equipment aquaculture, having cumulatively invested in and constructed 18 deep-sea aquaculture platforms, the largest scale in the country. Notably, "Mintou No. 1" stands as the nation's first integrated fishery-tourism platform operating on a leasing model and the first semi-submersible fishery-tourism aquaculture equipment to be classified by the China Classification Society.

Fujian has also made remarkable strides in the energy industry, port shipping, and smart ocean sectors. Fujian has emerged as a global leader in offshore wind energy, with an installed offshore wind power capacity of 3.21 million kilowatts. The province now boasts 208 berths capable of accommodating vessels over 10,000 tons. Additionally, 320 enterprises and institutions from around the world have joined the "Silk Road Maritime" alliance, which connects 131 ports across 43 countries and regions. Fujian is also at the forefront of technological advancements, having achieved nationwide leadership in 5G network coverage within 30 kilometers of its coastline. The province is piloting the construction of a high-throughput satellite internet system for maritime use and has established China's first provincial-level refined and intelligent ocean grid forecasting business system.

Simultaneously, Fujian has implemented a series of measures to accelerate the construction of "Maritime Fujian" and promote the high-quality development of its marine economy. Focusing on the two development goals set for 2027 and 2035, the three major spatial layouts of the Fuzhou-Xiamen Demonstration Zone, the six major bay areas, and numerous beautiful islands, as well as the four key tasks of marine technological innovation, modern marine industrial systems, marine ecological environment, and marine regional cooperation, we will implement one series of safeguard measures. These measures include strengthening organizational coordination, rolling out approximately 300 key marine economic projects annually, leveraging various industrial development funds, and comprehensively promoting the high-quality development of the marine economy.

By 2027, Fujian aims to position its marine economy at the forefront of the nation, achieving an average annual growth rate in the provincial marine GDP that surpasses the overall provincial GDP growth rate, while significantly enhancing its marine innovation capabilities. By 2035, Fujian aspires to become a modern marine industrial base with international competitiveness and a key hub for marine industry innovation in China.
